Isn't this an odd picture? It has nothing to do with quilting! I've been helping my daughter pack, and then unpack! Sunday was move-in day at my daughter's college this past weekend. I thought I would show you her dorm room and facilities. She has a suite. There are 2 rooms, with a bathroom in between. 4 girls will share this bathroom.

Not exactly the prettiest! But it works. The building was built in the early 1960's. I don't think it has been updated since it was built.

Here is the room looking from the doorway in. My daughter decided to leave her bed in the loft position so she can have her desk underneath. This will give her and her room-mate better access to the closets. I took this picture while we were still putting stuff away. It was very hot!! It was a good thing we brought some fans! No air conditioning here. I was very happy that it wasn't raining like it was supposed to be! Can you imagine how messy that would have been? I had bagged everything just in case.

Here is a picture looking towards the hallway. This is a co-ed dorm. In the hallway where my daughter is, there are 12 rooms. 6 on each side of the hall. Her suite faces the only suite in this hallway that has boys in it. The rest of the hallway is all girls! I'm thinking that this shall be a very interesting experience for the girls. And for the boys!!
Yesterday was the first day of school for daughter #2. She is a Junior in High School. Today is going to be weird. It's the first day that the school district is trying this new thing. They are dismissing all students one hour early on all Wednesday's. That is except for 6. Those 6 days the students are to get out even earlier!
Hopefully, now that school has started and we are getting back into a schedule of some sort, I will have more time to visit my "sewing room"!!! :0)