For those of you who don't normally follow my blog, this is a project from a quilt bee I am in. We all started with a 9 patch block of our making ( There were 10 people participating) Then we passed the block around to each person participating. They would either add a 2 1/2"(unfinished) checkerboard border or a 4 1/2"
(unfinished) border around the center block. We did this 6 times. Now I have to add one last row of the checkerboard myself to the quilt top. I am debating as to whether I should use this as the back of the "Twin". All participants of this project, also made a second 9 patch block which they were to finish on there own.
Whoa! Oops. This is not my round robin. This is the Kaffe Fasset quilt top from another bee member. This is the one I had the most trouble doing. I didn't have any Kaffe Fasset fabric in my stash. It seems to be haunting and following me. It pops up when I least expect it to! :>D
Here is my "twin" or my version of what I did to the 9 patch block. Now, I could make two quilts, or I could make a reversible quilt by using them as the front and back together. What do you think I should do?
Check my side bar for a new link to Patchalots website. She has some really neat patterns! :0)