I wanted to show you what I've been working on. I just finished hand quilting the above little quilt. It's a Kathleen Tracy pattern called "Harvest Quilt". Her website is: www.countrylanequilts.com She also has a blog which I think you can get to from her website.
This is supposed to be a little quilt but I am thinking about making it into a pillow. I haven't put the binding on it yet because I am still thinking about it......
I just love this stencil!!! This is the one I used for the Harvest quilt which is a 15"x 21" quilt. I hope the picture shows the quilting well enough for you to see.
Wow! It's funny what taking a picture of a work in progress can show you versus seeing it on the design wall. This is the 1 1/2'' Fall strip exchange I've been working on! :0) It is not sewn together yet, but I wanted to put it up on my design wall and see how it was coming along. It's getting there!
This is a picture of my beautiful family!! I don't often get the opportunity to take a picture of everyone altogether anymore.

Yes, we actually had some snow here in Raleigh, NC! It started on Christmas day and snowed all through the next day! We ended up with 7 1/2 inches!!
Until next time,
Happy quilting!! :0)