I thought I would show you something that my was my Grandmother's. I have never seen another of these anywhere. Have you ever seen this type of "Pin Keep" before? I actually don't know what it's name is so I've named it a pin keep.

If you push down on the top a single pin will pop out of the tiny hole!! I love this thingy! I remember playing with it as a child and being very fascinated by it. Where were the pins coming from? :>) I am still fascinated by it!! :0)

Here comes the pin!

O.K. o.k....... I will show you where the pins come from! You open up the top and there they are! This pin keep only works with straight pins with a small head, as you see here. All of the pins must have their "heads up" or it will not work. :0)

I just love it!! :0)

By the way. The quilt that you see the pin keep sitting on is what I'm currently working on. I 'm hand quilting it. I am very close to the end now! Just have the borders to do!! Hooray!!!

Look!! This is the newest addition to our family of cars! It is just 2 days old!! A 2010 Toyota Prius! Soooo, If you see a red Prius driving by it might just be me! Give a wave and I might just smile and wave back!!!

This is what I should be doing! Ironing!!! My husbands work shirts. Blah. Look how many!!! He just returned from a trip to Europe and brought me all his icky dirty laundry back. (Don't get me wrong, I love having my husband back home safe and sound, just not his laundry!)
See the pretty fabric hanging over the door?? That's the fabric I'm going to use for my next project. :0) Maybe I will work on that before I iron shirts.......

Oh yes! One last thing I want to share with you today! My Father gave this to me a couple of years ago. I asked him where he had gotten it and if it was my Grandmother's. He couldn't remember. I had completely forgotten about it. It's been sitting in the attic since he brought it to me. I have wiped it down using mild dish soap and water. It needs some more cleaning, but I'm afraid to rub too hard or the design may come off.
Does anyone know anything about this type of machine or how to clean it?
I was not going to do anything with it unless it looked promising. Well guess what? The needle still moves up and down! And when I plugged it in, the light and motor worked!! Now I am excited about trying to clean it up more. The question is how? My guess is this used to be a treadle machine which was turned into an electric machine. ( I would love to turn it back into a treadle machine.... I don't have the special table with the foot pedal though. ) :0)