I saw these little spools over on
Valentina's blog. (check out her Feb. 6th blog post) As soon as I saw them I said to myself, "OK, drop everything. I've gotta try making one of those!" I was going to use these Jo Morton scraps to make a basket quilt, but I couldn't resist these cuties!! The first one I tried making turned out looking too much like a bowtie. The second one I made just didn't seem right. The third time around was just right!! So far I've only made two. Valentina wants to make 500!! I haven't decided how many I will make yet. I am sewing these by hand.

The little spool measures about 3 inches unfinished and about 2 1/2 inches finished.

I just realized that this month is my 1 year blog anniversary! How about that. Time does fly sometimes. I think I will have a giveaway of sorts in the very near future. But, first I want to take a survey. I would like to know what sort of giveaways have been your favorites?? What sorts of things do you like to win?? Fat quarters, patterns, scrap bags, tools of the trade, chocolate? Handmade items? Maybe a combination of goodies? Or maybe a secret bag of something???? If I haven't thought of something that you might like let me know.

Here is my Jo Morton apple core project. I am still working on it. When I'm not working on something else. :0)