This beautiful "Log Cabin" ornament was in a surprise package delivery! I wasn't expecting any packages to arrive and yet there was one on my doorstep. As soon as I saw who it was from I had a great big grin from ear to ear. It was for me! And it was from someone I recognized right away as a special blog buddy! I think this ornament is wonderful! I've never seen ornaments shaped in a quilting block design before. I just love it!! As you can see it was the first ornament I put onto the tree this year! :0)

Here is the box I found on my doorstep. There were lots of other goodies inside besides the beautiful ornament.

These were also inside the box. A snowman statue, a wooden plate, a sign which reads "Love. Where there is love there is life" a special very delicate Christmas card as well as a candy cane!

Look where I put them! I think they look so perfect all together here on a shelf in my "Keeping Room"! I love everything! Thank-you
Sue!! I was very surprised and I'm very thankful you are my friend.
Merry Christmas, to all my special friends!!