These scrappy triangles were something that I picked up that someone else was discarding. They have been on my design wall since summer. I finally decided it was time to do something with them or put them away. Since I already had them up on the board, I went ahead and did something with them. Besides, I needed the room on my design board for the Barbara Brackman Civil war block of the week that I have been trying to catch up on.

This is what I have been doing with the triangles. I got the idea from a book by Tara Lynn Darr.

The book is called Simply Charming...Small Scrap Quilts of Yesteryear.

Naughty blogger, that's 2 pictures in a row that are turned. Sorry. The pattern in the book is called Stars Over The Mountain.

Here is my version. As you can see I have done something different with the borders, and I'm not finished yet. I have something else in mind. This little quick project that was supposed to free up my design wall is growing on me! :0) In more ways then one! :o) The leftover fabric from the triangle project is going into a scrappy leader ender box that I started in order to start moving some of my scraps into wonderful cozy warm cuddle quilts. Since I forgot to take a picture of the blocks I've started I will have to show you next time.

Here are the Civil War blocks that I have been hand piecing. I think I have about 14 or 15 more to go in order to catch up to the current week.

This my friends is what I am working on when the little girl I am watching is napping. I finally started hand quilting "Michael's Victory"!!!! I just love how this one is turning out! This might be my next all time favorite quilt. I want to hurry up and finish it. But hand quilting a project almost always takes me about a year to finish for some reason.