I wanted to share some pictures of quilts from my last "Bee" meeting. We have some very talented women in our group which I am proud to be a member of. Enjoy!

The quilts from here on are all hand pieced.

The nine patch blocks below were made up of only red scraps.
The Lemoyne stars in this next quilt are only 3 3/4 inches square!!

It's been a very busy summer in my household so I have not had the chance to do any postings here on blogger until now. I hope this has made up for my slacking off over the summer! :0)

It's been a very busy summer in my household so I have not had the chance to do any postings here on blogger until now. I hope this has made up for my slacking off over the summer! :0)
****I noticed that my blog background had disappeared and turned into an orange blob. (I have no idea why????) So I now have a new "Look"! My daughter who is going to college for a Graphic Arts major set it up for me. I hope you like it. :0)