Hot Chocolate! Yum!! To warm me up. I just came inside from making an attempt at shoveling the snow out of my driveway. It is not the nice fluffy stuff, nor is it the kind of snow you can make a snowman with. It just crumbles or is a heavy icy chunk! We had 5 3/4" of snow and then sleet and I think it is going to freeze into a solid ice block. I like snow but not this kind! Snow is rare here in North Carolina.

Here is a picture of my home. As you can see the sky is still thick with dark clouds. I took this picture about 2:30 in the afternoon. Our street has not been plowed. North Carolina rarely has snow. They do try to plow the main roads but the back streets may never get plowed. The Southerners philosophy is "It will be all gone by tomorrow, so why bother". I personally don't think this will be gone by tomorrow this time. It is supposed to get down into the teens tonight. And if any melting takes place it will refreeze at night.

So I have come in from shoveling and taking a walk. Had some hot chocolate and I'm now ready to get back to work.

This is "Roxanne's glue baste it". It has been very helpful with this large applique piece I am working on. It doesn't take much to just hold this hockey guy in place so I can sew it down. I've used it before. It just dissolves away once you wash the quilt.

Here is my hockey man! As you can see I am about half way with the final applique piece.
Carrie over at
"A Passion for Applique" has some great tutorials on applique! I found the one she calls
"Freezer Paper Points" to be extremely helpful especially with my hockey guy. It showed how she uses magic sizing to hold and press the edges into the perfect shape before sewing it down.
Carrie has links to her tutorials on her right side bar. :o)
My husband just went outside. He says the roads are now a sheet of ICE. I think I will just keep on working on my Hockey guy for the rest of the evening.